
Why gratitude is good for your mind, body and soul

Like many American families today, my family is gathering around the dinner table to celebrate Thanksgiving. Before the meal begins, each family member will go one by one and share something he or she is thankful for in their life.


Why is unity important in the body of Christ?

Several years ago, there was a lady in our church who needed an urgent blood transfusion. So some members of our church got together and decided they were going to go donate the blood she needed. It saved her life. The blood donors made a card for this dear woman and wrote, “We gave our blood for you because Jesus gave His blood for us.”


New Life Resolutions

What does it mean to be totally alive? How would you describe “living large”? Paul said in Philippians that the purpose and passion of life should be to live every moment as Christ would live it…to magnify Jesus Christ.


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