
Dealing with anger towards others

Refrain from anger, and forsake wrath!             Fret not yourself; it tends only to evil. –Psalm 37:8 Growing up, my mother had a pressure cooker. And I distinctly recall one Sunday when she was cooking


Dealing with anger towards others

Refrain from anger, and forsake wrath!             Fret not yourself; it tends only to evil. –Psalm 37:8 Growing up, my mother had a pressure cooker. And I distinctly recall one Sunday when she was cooking


Dealing with anger towards God

And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. –Romans 8:28 I vividly remember when my father was murdered back in


The Freedom to Let Go

We are in a culture that knows many different kinds of anger and even rage. You know, there’s road rage. Been there? Then there is sports rage! Listen to sports talk radio lately? There is voice mail rage. If you’ve ever been into the abyss of one of those voicemail systems, you have perhaps known voicemail rage. There’s work rage and office rage and, end of semester test rage, right?
