
Trade in your weakness

I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. –Galatians 2:20 The Christian life is a changed life! We know this because the Scripture says,


How to live a changed life

Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life. –Proverbs 4:23 Several years ago, fifteen university professors were challenged to summarize the prime motivator of human personality. These professors came


What to do when change comes

I remember back in 1965 when our church got its very first drum set. Up until then, all we had was a piano and an organ. Well, I thought we were going to have to put cardiac arrest equipment in the foyer. And the interesting thing is I was the drummer… so I heard the worst of it!


Jesus sees your potential

Don’t you just love Simon? His human flaws are so much like yours and mine. He could be impetuous and irresponsible just as surely as he could be personally engaging. But something happened in his life that changed him forever. 


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