
How to have faith in the face of worry

A pastor friend of mine was telling me about his trips to the hospital to visit people who are facing surgery or dealing with an illness. He said that one question he always asks the people in the hospital is, “Are you worried?”


Finding power in your faith to overcome

I remember when I was growing up in our little church in Arkansas, I would always look forward to those four times a year when we received Sunday school quarterlies for kids. In them, they had all kinds of activities and coloring pages for kids to learn about the Bible.


Faith without Sight

You know, it’s funny. Human nature really hasn’t changed much since Jesus walked the earth 2,000 plus years ago.


Taking a step of faith

There’s nothing quite as scary as taking that first step of faith. Yet at the same time, there’s nothing quite as exhilarating as actually taking that first step of faith!


The Value of Unsinkable Faith

The fact is that life is not full of gentle breezes and warm sun. There are turbulent times and tough times ahead. I am not a pessimist and I am not an extremist. I am a realist, and I can say with confidence because I’ve been looking through the lens of Scripture at human history that tough times are ahead and turbulent seas.
