
Who gets the credit for your success?

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change. –James 1:17 If you’re like me, maybe


Creation: God or genetics?

Mankind… Are we the product of natural selection, the survival of the fittest? Or are we the handy work of a personal God who created us individually? The question is:  Is man made in God’s image or is God made in man’s imagination? Did God make man or did man make God?


December 15th’s Advent Devotional

          I remember years ago when Life magazine ran a cover story that asked a very provocative question. Famous for its breathtaking photos, the cover featured a stunning picture of the heavens, filled with stars, galaxies, and planets. And on it were printed the words, “Who is God?”


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