
Will I know my loved ones in heaven?

I’m often asked, “Pastor, will I know my loved ones n heaven?” And my answer is always the same, “certainly, we will know one another in heaven! Do you think you’ll have less sense in heaven than you have here on earth? We know one another here; and there we will know fully and be fully known!


Looking toward the indescribable promise of heaven

I heard a story about a little girl who was blind from birth. Her mother constantly tried to describe the beauty of the world. She would describe the color of a flower, talk about the glory of a sunrise or a sunset, try to describe colors of the mountains, and so forth.


Where does your hope for heaven lie?

Jack Welch, the former CEO of GE, was interviewed on 60 Minutes, and the interviewer asked him if he could remember the toughest question he had ever been asked. Welch replied, “Someone asked me if I think I’ll go to heaven.” 
