
How to breathe new life into your marriage

Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. –Ephesians 4:32 I was talking to a couple in my office one day who were considering marriage. They were explaining


What do women really want?

What is it that women really want? The late Gary Smalley, the noted Christian author and marriage counselor, once gave nine specific needs of a wife in the marriage relationship:


How marriage makes you like Christ

The Greek legend of Pygmalion describes the man who couldn’t find a wife to suit him, so he decided that he would make a wife for himself. He sculpted a beautiful woman and knocked off all the rough edges and made this woman just how he imagined. So he got down on his knees and, according to the legend, prayed to his gods and the woman came alive and became his wife. 


How to make your marriage thrive

I was in a friend’s home one time and I noticed there was a thick book on one of his bookshelves. As I looked closer, I saw that his name was on that book as the author. So I read the title, and to my amazement the book was called Everything I Know about Women.



How to breathe life into your marriage

Several years ago, the Lord really impressed upon me that I was too consumed with ministry. Like any job, ministry can become such a part of your life that it starts to become and idol. And chief among the things that were being sacrificed to that idol was my marriage.


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