
Why does God give us rules?

When I was a child, we had a plot of land right behind our house that we turned into a baseball field. All the neighborhood kids would play there every afternoon before dinner. But one day, the electric company came in and turned part of that piece of land into a power relay station.


The big blessings of small obedience

I was reading awhile back about a man who worked for a bank in a large city. On the ground floor of this bank building, there was a cafeteria. Day after day, this man would get a two-cent pat of butter and hide it under his roll so that he wouldn’t have to pay for it when he got through the line.


Are you robbing God? 2019

Today I simply want to ask the question, are you a giver or a taker? And I want you to think about that question in terms of your relationship with people and your relationship with God.


Start saying yes to God!

The book of Nehemiah contains the longest recorded prayer in the Bible. In that prayer, we see what kind of God we serve and how his people responded.


Why did God give us commandments?

We live in a world today that’s been captured by the theory of relativism, the theory or idea that says you can’t firmly or finally say what is right or wrong. So the very idea of a rule or a “commandment” flies in the face of what most people in our world today believe.


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