
What it takes to have a successful family

As a parent, nothing can happen through you until it first happens in you. That’s why today’s verse says that God’s Word and ways must be in your heart before you can teach God’s Word and his ways to your children.


Pass Along Your Faith

In the 1940s the top offenses committed by public school students were as follows: talking, making noises, running in the hallways, getting out of turn in line (that was a severe offense in the 1940s), wearing improper clothing to school, and not putting paper in the wastebasket.


Proverbs Parenting

This is a command, and that command is critical. We are to be a part of the lives of our children and to grow them up, not just to bring them into the world, but bring them up in the world.


Be a hero to your kids

As you might imagine, over the years many men have expressed to me their concerns about being a good father. They’ve said things like, “It’s too late for me. I didn’t have a good dad and I don’t know how to be one.”


Our responsibility to our children

One of the great problems in our country is the breakdown of the family. And the chief contributing factor to families breaking down is the absence of fathers as a result of divorce or disengagement. 


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