
Will there ever be world peace?

It doesn't take a whole lot of observation to recognize the world isn't becoming a better place. Yet it wasn't too long ago that many people thought that the world was heading toward its own utopia. World War I was called "the war that would end all wars." And even theologians were predicting the coming of God's Kingdom because mankind was getting better and better!


Your hope for real and lasting peace

I’m amazed at how far technology has come in the past 200 years. Just think… In 1818, the only people who knew what the President of the United States looked like would’ve been those who had seen him personally. But now, we’re inundated with news and pictures of our president, celebrities, and our friends every day.


How you can find peace in a world full of conflict

In 1919, when the first World War came to an end, many people called it, “The war to end all wars.” Just after, an organization called the League of Nations was formed, and many thought there would never again be war in the world because all disputes would be handled within the League.


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