
Are you a cosmic accident?

I want you to picture your heart, that powerful machine pumping inside your chest. Believe it or not, it’s about the size of your fist and weighs less than a half a pound. Yet in less than twelve hours, it does enough work to lift 65 tons off the ground! 


Where to find your purpose in life

Down in West Palm Beach, Florida, where I pastored for 8 years, just a few miles off the coast is the Gulf Stream. Now the Gulf Stream is like a river flowing through the ocean. It was used by early explorers to get from the Caribbean back to Europe. And if you’re out on a boat and come across the Gulf Stream, you’ll move from blue-green water to almost purple water.


God is not done with you

Harland Sanders, who you might know better as Colonel Sanders, had a difficult life. His father died when he was 5, he quit school at 16, and by the time he was 20, Harland had suffered every kind of setback imaginable. He lost jobs, and his young wife took their daughter and moved out.


Are you in a desert place?

God will sometimes take us to desert places…spiritually speaking…to purify and to prepare us for the greatest seasons of our lives. You may not like it, but it’s still true.


Finding your purpose.

And he said, “Who are you, Lord?” And he said, “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting.”   –Acts 9:5   Paul’s conversion to Christ is one of the greatest transformational encounters in all of


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