
The Relevance of the Resurrection

Dr. Thomas Arnold, Professor of History at Oxford years ago, said this: "I know of no fact in the history of mankind which is proven any better or by fuller evidence of every sort to the mind of the fair inquirer than the great sign which God has given us that Christ died and rose again." 


Living hope in Jesus

What does Easter mean to you? Has it become personal? It is so important that you realize that Jesus died and rose again just for you. He wants you to accept his gifts of forgiveness, eternal life, and resurrection power. They are yours.


Sorrow to joy

Have you ever gone through a personal struggle and wondered, “Where is Jesus? Sometimes, especially in the midst of a crisis, you and I might think that Jesus has utterly disappeared.


Look beyond discouragement

Do you know that some people live on the wrong side of the resurrection? It’s true. There are many people who live as if Jesus never came out of that tomb.


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