
What it means to live a born-again life

We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life.


The power of Christ’s blood in your life

One day Napoleon was standing before his army after he was defeated at Waterloo. He was trying to cover his losses and see what his next move would be. Napoleon realized that his quest for world domination was practically over. He had a map of the world on the wall and on that map the British Isles were marked in red. Napoleon angrily said to his generals, as he pointed to the red marked on that map, “Were it not for that red spot, we would have conquered the world!”


Is there anything God can’t do?

I heard about a Sunday school class where the teacher said to the children, “Is there anything, boys and girls, God can’t do?” So a little girl raised her hand and said, “Yes, teacher, there’s one thing that God can’t do. He can’t see my sin through the blood of Jesus Christ.”


How should you come to Christ?

As a pastor, I perform wedding ceremonies for couples in all kinds of emotional conditions. I’ve seen couples who cry all the way through the ceremony. There have been times between the wedding party and the couple, we went through an entire box of tissue because they just cried and cried.


Can you lose your salvation?

Perhaps one of the most well-known stories in the Bible is that of Noah and the ark he built. God told Noah that He was going to send judgment upon the earth in the form of a flood. But because Noah and his family were righteous, God told Noah He would save them and gave him plans to build a boat.


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