
Having full confidence in God’s Word

Many people today love to question the Bible’s authenticity. But really, there are only three possibilities when you consider Jesus Christ and His belief in the Bible. 


The Power of Scripture

I want to remind you today that not only is the Word of God perfect, living, and abiding forever.  Not only is the Word of God unchanging and true.  Not only does it have a saving purpose. 


Changing your spiritual diet.

Do you want to experience lasting change in your Christian walk? Of course you do. I do, too. This lasting change is ours when we discipline ourselves to consume God’s Word.


What you need to keep moving forward.

Do you know what the mark of a disciple, of a growing Christian, is? You can find it in today’s verse. If you are a disciple of Christ, you will abide, or stay, in God’s Word!
