
Serving God where He’s placed you

I heard about a young lad who was out farming one afternoon. He looked up and thought he saw a vision that formed in the clouds. It said “P.C.”.  So he said, “Praise, God! That must mean ‘preach Christ.’” So at that moment, he left his plow, left the farm, and he went out and preached his very first sermon. 


Do you have a place on the wall?

As a servant of Jesus Christ, you have a purpose for living. And you can make a difference in your community, church, and world… especially when you work in partnership with others.


Serve Him with confidence

The apostle Paul wrote the words of today’s verses while in prison and awaiting his execution. With clarity and strength of character Paul communicates that he is about to die, saying, "the time of my departure has come."


Do You Have a Place On the Wall?

Then I said to them, “You see the distress that we are in, how Jerusalem lies waste, and its gates are burned with fire. Come and let us build the wall of Jerusalem that we


Are You Robbing God?

“You shall not steal.” –Exodus 20:15 Today I simply want to ask the question, are you a giver or a taker? And I want you to think about that question in terms of your relationship


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