
How God makes sense of your chaos

Two little boys were on a field trip with their class to an art gallery to see an exhibit of modern art. They happened by a painting, and as they looked at it, they could see there was a nose over in one corner and an eye in the other corner, and it was all confused. So one little boy turned to the other one and said, “Don’t you think we’d better get out of here before they say we did it!”


If God is good, then why suffering?

There are times in life when we just have a hard time understanding “why.” I think about a friend I have who lost a child in a tragic accident. I think about those who are sick and hungry around the world with little hope for relief. Yet others whom we see as less innocent seem to prosper.


What do you do when life gets hard?

Like it or not, suffering is a required course in God’s curriculum. He had one Son who was without sin, yet suffered. So why should we live life thinking we should be exempt from suffering? It is impossible to pass through this life as a believer without passing through dark valleys.


Caught in the crossfire

You and I will never be immune to the trials and suffering that come with living in this world because we live in a world that is in pain. We live in a world that is cursed and contaminated by sin.


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