
Trusting God when bad things happen

Now we see through a mirror darkly, but then we shall know even as we are known!  –1 Corinthians 13:12 Throughout the years there have been many times when I’ve had to say to people,


What to do when you’re in the pits

And they took him [Joseph] and threw him into a pit. –Genesis 37:24 Like Joseph in the book of Genesis, you and I are guaranteed to experience some failure on the road to fulfilling God’s


Lightening others’ spiritual load

Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. –Galatians 6:2 I remember some years ago when I had a problem with a toe on my left foot. It was just a minor


Jesus is more than enough

“Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me.” –John 14:1 Almost everyone believes in God. I think even people who claim to be atheists and agnostics secretly believe in their


How you can rise above hard times

Not long ago, I was boarding an airplane when I looked up and noticed some very scary looking clouds over us. So I took my seat and the flight attendant began the normal procedures for getting ready to take off. I looked outside again at the clouds… and they weren’t moving.


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