
Promoting Unity Amidst Diversity in the Church

As General George Westmoreland was surveying his troops in Vietnam several years ago, he was talking to some paratroopers. And he asked one of them, “Do you like to jump out of these planes?”  That paratrooper replied, “Yes, sir!  I love it!” He walked to the next one and asked the same question. The reply was, “It’s the greatest experience of my life, sir!”


The importance of unity in the body of Christ

Every now and then, I’ll be asked to officiate at weddings at other churches across town. I remember one time specifically when I walked in and saw the pastor of this particular church who had been faithful in ministry for nearly fifty years. Our church had just recently taken out an ad in the paper congratulating him on his ministry, and he was so grateful for that show of appreciation from another church.
