
Coming Back

I absolutely love sports. And perhaps the most exciting part of a big game is the comeback.  I just love it when my favorite team is losing and as the game is nearing the end they make a furious comeback to pull out an exciting victory!  Now that’s fun!


How to have victory over the devil in 2019!

There is a famous painting I’ve seen, done by an artist named Moritz Retzsch, of a chess match between the devil and a young man. In the painting of the chess game, the devil appears to have the young man in a checkmate. So, the young man is sweating profusely and trying to figure out if he can move.


The danger of victory

One of the most serious dangers that you and I face after a victory is failing to give God glory. In fact, this is the easiest and surest way to lose your next victory.


Rejoice with others!

Did you know that with every victory there is danger? As a matter of fact, it is possible to be defeated by our victories. It’s absolutely true.


Get your heart in the game

Each of us has giants in our lives. You and I know that. So the question is, “Are you going to slay those giants or let them hold you hostage?” 


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