December 25th’s Advent Devotional

God wants to live in your heart and transform your life. You see, when you become a believer in Jesus Christ, a wonderful thing happens. The very Spirit of God enters your life and lives within you! And when the Holy Spirit lives within, you’re never the same.


December 24th’s Advent Devotional

Every Christmas, the hearts of believers everywhere focus on the birth of Christ. Now, while I love the fact that people are thinking about spiritual things this time of year, the story of the baby Jesus is just a snapshot in God’s story. In fact, it’s only a small portion of the life of Christ.


December 23rd’s Advent Devotional

I want you to try to imagine what the world would be like if Jesus had never been born. It’s beyond our imagination, but just try to picture it. We certainly wouldn’t know God as we know Him now. In fact, we’d be fortunate to have even heard about the God revealed in the Old Testament.  


December 22nd’s Advent Devotional

Our world has spent the past month going through a whirlwind of consumerism mixed with religion and a dash of spirituality when appropriate. Now that we’re just a few days from December 25th , let’s try to answer this question: What is the meaning of the Christmas season? 


December 21st’s Advent Devotional

I’ve told the story before of a man who was getting ready to put a sign in his yard that said “N-O-E-L” to spread some Christmas cheer. It was a cold night, a snowstorm hit, and the man was trying to put the letters up from behind instead of facing them. He fumbled and bumbled, and said some very un-Christmas-like things in the process.


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