December 15th’s Advent Devotional

          I remember years ago when Life magazine ran a cover story that asked a very provocative question. Famous for its breathtaking photos, the cover featured a stunning picture of the heavens, filled with stars, galaxies, and planets. And on it were printed the words, “Who is God?”


December 14th’s Advent Devotional

          I don’t know about you, but it’s through the simple things in life that God speaks to me … in the beauty of a sunset, or the smile on a child’s face. It’s in those times that we can realize that heaven’s message is close by.


December 13th’s Advent Devotional

          I want to tell you about a problem I have when it comes to the traditional reading of the biblical Christmas story. On the surface, it seems like such a small issue. But when you really think about it, it’s pretty significant. 


December 12th’s Advent Devotional

           A department store put a Nativity scene in one of its display windows one Christmas. As a window-shopping couple walked by, the gentleman said to his wife, “Look there! The church is trying to take over Christmas now!”  


December 11th’s Advent Devotional

          Now that the busyness of the season is in full swing, it’s difficult to believe, but we know that in two weeks-time we will be back to reality. The feelings of “peace on Earth, goodwill to men,” will be long forgotten as we navigate rush hour traffic. The Christmas Spirit will fade, replaced by a strong dose of reality – bills, health concerns, a steady stream of bad news in our neighborhoods and nation and around the world.


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