How to have victory over the devil in 2019!

There is a famous painting I’ve seen, done by an artist named Moritz Retzsch, of a chess match between the devil and a young man. In the painting of the chess game, the devil appears to have the young man in a checkmate. So, the young man is sweating profusely and trying to figure out if he can move.


How to love others when it’s not easy

I heard about a man who went to Jonathan Edwards, the great preacher, wanting to marry his daughter. Now, Edwards had several daughters, and the one this young man was in love with was particularly disagreeable.


How much should you give?

Awhile back, a Christian economist told me that in the church-at-large in America, 15 to 20 percent of the people give 90 percent of the money. Now, I’m sure that number varies from church to church, but the overall statistic is simply staggering!


You ARE somebody!

Sin is a serious subject with God. And the Bible has a lot of straight talk about sin, its consequences, and the damaging affect that it has on our souls. But the Scripture also tells us that because of the cross, you and I are forgiven!


Be a light unto the world.

Jesus clearly states in the Scripture that believers in Him “are the light of the world.” So my question for you on this Christmas Day is this: Are you letting the light of Jesus shine through you?


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