The Greatest Gift

God wants to live in your heart and transform your life. You see, when you become a believer in Jesus Christ, a wonderful thing happens. The very Spirit of God enters your life and lives within you!  And when the Holy Spirit lives within, you’re never the same.


Where does your hope for heaven lie?

Jack Welch, the former CEO of GE, was interviewed on 60 Minutes, and the interviewer asked him if he could remember the toughest question he had ever been asked. Welch replied, “Someone asked me if I think I’ll go to heaven.” 


The Power of Your Words

Do you realize that you have a constant dialogue going on with yourself?  Well, you do and I do, too. And each of has a choice to make.


Waiting on God

Have you ever been restless waiting on God to fulfill his promise to you? I’m sure you have. I have, too. 


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