The Cost of Christmas Day 19

It doesn’t take much looking today to see that the world is in darkness–intellectual darkness, political darkness, and moral darkness. But because Christ has come into the world, we who have lived in the darkness have seen a great Light. On the night when Christ was born, that star punctured the blackened sky and signaled the coming of the Savior. And now God is with us.


The Cost of Christmas Day 18

We don’t know what happened to these wise men. They leave the biblical story as quickly as they enter it. We can suppose they came to saving faith and lived out the rest of their days as followers of Jesus. That’s my belief, but the story just doesn’t tell us.


The Cost of Christmas Day 17

I love reading. And some of my favorite books are stories in which everything is going along normally when all of a sudden, there’s a twist. If you’d been living at the time of Jesus and heard the story of the gifts that were brought by the magi, you would’ve heard about a shocking twist.


The Cost of Christmas Day 15

I remember years ago when Life magazine ran a cover story that asked a very provocative question. Famous for its breathtaking photos, the cover featured a stunning picture of the heavens, filled with stars, galaxies, and planets. And on it were printed the words, “Who is God?”


The Cost of Christmas Day 14

I don’t know about you, but it’s through the simple things in life that God speaks to me … in the beauty of a sunset, or the smile on a child’s face. It’s in those times that we can realize that heaven’s message is close by.


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