
Ultimate Success

Today on PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham brings a message relevant to us all titled “Ultimate Success.” Pastor Graham challenges us to live at the judgment seat of Christ. It’s not the duration of our life that matters, he teaches, it’s the donation of our life that matters.


Graduation Day

Can you imagine what heaven will be like, when we stand in the presence of our holy God? In his message, “Graduation Day,” Pastor Jack Graham teaches that we must run the race well, first—never retreating from our faith in Christ, never reserving in our commitment to Christ, never regretting a life wasted, but instead living for the glory of Jesus every day!


Heavenly Bodies

On today’s PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham takes a special look at heaven and the resurrected body. Heaven is a real, tangible place, Pastor Graham teaches. As Christ followers, we will live in a perfect place with a perfect Savior and a perfected state of life.


Homeward Bound

Continuing in the series “Eternity Now,” Pastor Jack Graham brings the message “Homeward Bound.” Life is a journey that leads us home to our eternal destiny, he teaches, and no day is without meaning or purpose for the believer.


Beyond a New Day

Today on PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham begins the new series “Eternity Now” with a powerful message titled “Beyond A New Day.” Pastor Graham tells us that every day is a miracle, a promise, a gift from God, and we are to live with eternal gratitude in the Resurrection!


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