I want to share a specific message of encouragement for PowerPoint. Our daughter of six years old was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes last Thanksgiving. It has had a difficult impact on our entire family. She is upset about it very seldom but on Tuesday night, she cried and cried and cried, asking me why God let her have diabetes...didn't He say He wouldn't let anything happen to her?
I tried to give her a logical, analytical, biblical explanation to hold in her heart as to what could have happened, and why God would even allow something like this to happen. Finally, we cried ourselves to sleep.
The next morning at 8:30 we were in the car going to a client's, and your PowerPoint program came on and systematically as if God had given you her little list of frustrations, questions, and concerns, you answered all of them. You told her that we don't get to choose our circumstances but we get to choose what we do about them.
… I can't tell you how much it meant when she looked at me in the car and we both smiled and we knew that God had put you in place to answer her questions and to give her encouragement for her little heart. … I want you to know how much we appreciate you. Thank you so much."