
Are you actively serving others?

Half of my servants worked on construction, and half held the spears, shields, bows, and coats of mail. –Nehemiah 4:16 As a Christian, God expects you and I to be productive. What a great example


Keep your eyes focused on the future

When our enemies heard…that God had frustrated their plan, we all returned to the wall, each to his work. –Nehemiah 4:15 God can do amazing things with people who refuse to quit, who take their


Do you have a place on the wall?

As a servant of Jesus Christ, you have a purpose for living. And you can make a difference in your community, church, and world… especially when you work in partnership with others.


What’s the focus of your prayers?

So much of our prayer life can be shallow, weak, and self-centered. But when you read the great prayers of the Bible, you discover that they are God-centered. 


Start saying yes to God!

The book of Nehemiah contains the longest recorded prayer in the Bible. In that prayer, we see what kind of God we serve and how his people responded.


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