What you need to keep moving forward.
Do you know what the mark of a disciple, of a growing Christian, is? You can find it in today’s verse. If you are a disciple of Christ, you will abide, or stay, in God’s Word!
Do you know what the mark of a disciple, of a growing Christian, is? You can find it in today’s verse. If you are a disciple of Christ, you will abide, or stay, in God’s Word!
I want to remind you today that not only is the Word of God perfect, living, and abiding forever. Not only is the Word of God unchanging and true. Not only does it have a saving purpose.
Remarkable things begin to happen when you and I encounter the resurrected Jesus. It’s true! Just look at what happened when those two discouraged disciples met Jesus while they were walking to Emmaus.
How devoted are you to the Word of God? Are you committed to reading, to knowing, to understanding, and to letting the Word of God transform your life?
I was meeting with a friend years ago who felt like God was calling him to be a Bible teacher. This guy was brilliant, and it was clear he had been blessed with the ability to communicate truth to others. He was hesitant, though, because as he told me, “I need to grow first in God’s Word before I share it with others.”
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